Consultant's Mind

Creators vs. critics

Had dinner with a good friend last night, and we talked about the two kinds of people you meet online: creators and critics. Think about all the titans of podcasting.

1. Creators

There are people who give generously and want others to win. You can call them givers. You can call them writers. They are writing new content, and as Seth Godin says, they are putting themselves out there – to be judged, to embrace the fear, and create content.

2. Critics

The majority of people are takers and critics. They spend time anonymously on forums and chat rooms making mocking, criticizing, and being snarky. It’s cheap, entertaining and essentially useless.

It’s not too different from what you would see in junior high or high school –  only difference is these people have mortgages and write with complete sentences.

Consultant, what about you?  

As consultants, I think we spend our lives in both camps. On good days, we are creating new ideas, creative ways for the client to make forward progress, and coaching each other. On bad days, we make fun of our clients, don’t help each other, and look for ways to freeload.

How can you give more?

  • Mentor someone on your team with a new skill, provide feedback, or encouragement
  • Forward the most recent research or analyst report to an old client, MBA peer, or friend
  • End meetings and lunches with the point-blank question: what are you working on that I could be of help you you?
  • Write a postcard to your wife/husband/nephew/mom while you are traveling
  • Try to make the customer service laugh the next time you are reserving a Marriott hotel or complaining to Hertz about the last crappy car you got
  • Compliment 2 people today – just like Jack Welch did for 20 years
  • Be present. See how many conversations, lunches, meetings you can go through without checking your phone
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